Saturday 11 June 2011

Request to News Media (india)

I appreciate News Media to function best among four pillars of democracy.

I appreciate our Election Commission to function best.

I appreciate our SEBI to function best.

TRAI is also good on theoretical basis but handicapped, so does not function to its true potential.

This blog post is to express my view on the relation and treatment of elected public servants called Member of Parliament and news media.

I request to News Media to please treat member of parliament when taking interviews or attending press conferences as public servants and remember, keep in mind that you are public (master of servants).

it is necessary so that they do not feel like king. it is news media who keep respecting them, treating them like king (if a master forgets that he is master and begin to obey his servant then obviously servants begin to behave like master)

Stop using the word government; it gives the feeling of kings and slaves. Instead use the word public government (in comparison to military govt, dictator govt)

It is very important to remember that we have not given a contract or we have not outsourced our government administration to the party or parties.

They are our stamp representatives in parliament that is it.
For each and everything they do in parliament they must get it approved in their constituency by public and they just do the paperwork of whatever their constituency people have told him or her to do.
(21 century allows us to enjoy direct democracy by means of
a. public discussions events - a day long social weekend event utilising TV channels
b. secure mobile decision making on point by point, after public debates

Electing a member of parliament is a paper formality by which the people of the given constituency declares the person to represent their decisions
(which they collectively come to, internally in the constituency) in higher meetings of all constituencies (parliament).
(You already know that whatever these members decides in parliament, president further stamp that decision, as president is paper formality not the decision maker)
To summarize it further, as president is bound to obey parliament so as a member of parliament is bound to his or her constituency. They both are a stamp only not the decision maker.

Because an Member of parliament is just a messenger appointed to communicate the collective decision that is why constitution does impose no skill requirements to the elected person as this person is just a messenger (a stamp only not the decision maker)

Whenever Member of parliament is making any decision, please ask them how they get that decision approved in their consistency

(approval by public is democratic while approval by multy party joint committee is unconstitutional)

When a Member of parliament is going to stand for election ask him how he is going to get their decisions approved by the public of his constituency ?

Has he laid down or formed the mohalla(street) level groups if not how he is planning, remember i have right to participate in decision making but not to join party.
(good people usually does not come to parliament because being a true representative is a dirty work, getting approval of the people, finding and collecting facts, lobbying people inside constituency and in parliament is not easy work but a constant labor)

Please, Please do not ask about party or party decision,  democracy is collaboration not the fight of two big corporations, party thinking and decisions does not matter, what mater is only what the elected member has been to represent by their people.

(true democracy was not an option before 21 century technical advancements but now it is possible
it is hard to ask all members for their views individually and it is easy to let them form one party and speak, decide on our behalf
but you see the price we pay later on by being looted (20 percent of all govt budget goes to party pocket) and being beaten (ramleela ground)
and yes the time we saved by not participating in direct democracy and tried to be more productive, all gone, all our additional money they rob by charging us 10 times of the amount of cost (land + construction) of the flat ( + 20 years of self committed bank loan slavery to work in any condition so as to keep paying emi, welcome to emi economy)
and 20 percent of all government budget to be directed to party pocket).
They force us to buy their black money sponsored 1000 percent profit oriented flat projects by concentrating all development of the state in one place (see any state, the story is same)

P.S. treating like public servant does not mean to insult but to maintain the owner and worker framework of operation in mind.

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